Mason Radial Head Fractures: Surgical Management
Implant of radial head, Mason III, Mason IV, Orthopedic surgery, Radial Head fractureAbstract
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of radial head replacement in Mason Type III and IV radial head fracture. To evaluate the clinical outcomes of patients who received radial head replacement implant.
Study design & setting: This is a cross-sectional, analytical study, conducted in the orthopedic department of Doctor’s Hospital Kharian.
Methodology: Study was conducted from 15th April 2023 to 15th February 2024, Stability was assessed, radial head replacement was performed, and bone fragments were extracted during surgery. Radiographic evaluations were carried out to confirm the diagnosis at presentation, to determine the surgical outcome post-procedure, and during follow-up. SPSS- 22 was used for data entry and statistical analysis, Cross-tabulation and chi-square test was performed, P-value of < 0.05 was considered significant.
Results: The research comprised 70 patients, whose average age was 38.5 ± 9.4 years. Upon presentation, their mean hemoglobin level was 12.1 ± 1.5 mg/d. The mean time of the operation was recorded as 68.5 ± 18.9 minutes, with a minimum of 45 minutes and a maximum of 100 minutes. The frequency of the Mayo elbow performance score was determined using pre-validated categories: >90 for outstanding performance, 89–75 for good performance, 74–60 for fair performance, and <60 for bad performance, the study participants were divided into 38 (54.2%), 18 (25.7%), 10 (14.2%), and 4 (5.7%) groups, respectively.
Conclusion: Redo surgery and rate of infection are greater in patients who underwent surgery after 24 hours of injury as compared to patients who were operated within 24 hours.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nisar Ahmed, Syed Muhammad Mohtashim Ali, Malik Muhammad Hamdan Tafheem

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