Limitations of Artificial Intelligence in Orthodontics. Literature Review
Artificial Intelligence, Hazards, Machine learning, Orthodontics.Abstract
In the 21st century, advances in computer technology and data science have brought significant innovation to orthodontics, especially through Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). This study, conducted from July 2 to August 15, 2024, in the Orthodontic Department at Rawal Institute of Health Sciences Islamabad, reviews AI’s transformative role in dentistry, focusing on its applications, benefits, and challenges. A comprehensive literature search across PubMed and Google Scholar yielded 260 peer-reviewed articles from 2001 to 2024. After applying stringent selection criteria, the review focused on AI's historical development, applications, and limitations in orthodontics. While AI enhances diagnostic imaging and patient care, it cannot replace clinical expertise. Key challenges include patient privacy, data security, and ethical considerations. AI systems rely heavily on high-quality data, necessitating rigorous training. Therefore, AI should be viewed as an adjunct in orthodontics, providing a “second opinion” to support clinical decisions.
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