Emergency Obstetrical Hysterectomy


  • Rozina Mustafa
  • Rubina Mustafa
  • Haleema Hashmi
  • Muhammad Jawed


Emergency obstetrical hysterectomy, postpartum hemorrhage, ruptured uterus, pregnancy outcomes


This study was designed to determine the incidence, indications and complications of emergency obstetrical hysterectomy. The cases
were analyzed from January 2003 to December 2008 in the obstetric unit of Fatima Hospital, Baqai Medical University, Karachi. The
Demographic and clinical variables were obtained from the maternal records. Incidence of emergency obstetrical hysterectomy was found out to be 1:238 deliveries. Out of these 6(40%) of patients were in the age group between 31-35 years. Average age was 31years. Multiparous patients were 7(46.6%) and grand multiparous were 6(40%) with mean parity of 5. The most common indication leading to obstetrical hysterectomy was Atonic uterus causing postpartum hemorrhage in 7(46.6%) of patients. Ruptured uterus was responsible for this procedure in 2(13.3%) patients. Regarding complications, deep venous thrombosis developed in 1(6.6%) patient. The maternal deaths occurred in 3(20%) patients. The incidence of emergency obstetrical hysterectomy is not very much high. Majority of the patients were referred by traditional birth attendants (TBA’s) with complications of labor and delivery. To further reduce the incidence, education of TBA’s and early referral along with community awareness are essential.


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How to Cite

Mustafa, R. ., Mustafa, R. ., Hashmi, H. ., & Jawed, M. . (2011). Emergency Obstetrical Hysterectomy. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 1(1), 3–7. Retrieved from https://jbumdc.bahriauni.com/index.php/ojs/article/view/10



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