Endodontic Therapy of Mandibular Canines with Two Canals in a Single Root


  • Shama Asghar
  • Mahwesh Hasan
  • Asghar Ali


Anatomical variations, Endodontics, Mandibular canine, Two canals


Mandibular canines have less anatomical diversities than other teeth.Mandibular canine is generally asingle rooted tooth with
one wide root canal.This case describes the root canal treatment of a mandibular canine with two completely separate root
canals in a single root. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed a mandibular canine with carious lesion and pulp
exposure, tender to percussion.The precise understanding of the dental endocanalicular system’s anatomy is critical in the
success of the root canal management.


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How to Cite

Asghar, S. ., Hasan, M. ., & Ali, A. . (2021). Endodontic Therapy of Mandibular Canines with Two Canals in a Single Root. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 6(1), 60–62. Retrieved from https://jbumdc.bahriauni.com/index.php/ojs/article/view/162



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