Knowledge of Hepatitis B Infection among Dental Students and Dental Professionals


  • Kulsoom Fatima Rizvi
  • Hira Raza
  • Mamoora Arslaan
  • Affaf Fatima
  • Anum Hira
  • Saira Hamid


Hepatitis B, Post-exposure prophylaxis, Vaccination, Dentists


Objective: This research was aimed at evaluating the knowledge of transmission, diagnosis, vaccination, and post-exposure
prophylaxis of HBV among dental students, dentists and paramedics.
Methodology: A randomized cross-sectional study was conducted at Bahria University Medical & Dental College, Karachi
with a sample size of 240 subjects from February to March 2016. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed to assess
different parameters regarding knowledge about Hepatitis B infection. Dental students, dentists and paramedic staff participated
in the study.
Result: The response rate was 65.8%. Out of 158 individuals, 39(25%) were males and 119(75%) females. The difference in
knowledge of males and females was insignificant (p>0.01). The respondents obtained a mean correct answer of 6.94±2.59
out of 17. Dental students obtained mean correct score of 5.84±2.59, 5.84±2.26, 7.92±1.91, 7.35±2.66 in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and final
year BDS respectively. The mean score for correct answers in dental professionals was 6.94±2.59. The knowledge difference
among students of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and final year and Faculty/ Paramedic was significant (p < 0.01).
Conclusion: The overall awareness regarding hepatitis B infection was found to be lacking. This underlines the need for more
emphasis on the said topic in current BDS curriculum and conducting more refresher CDE sessions for dental professionals
as an effort to limit the spread of infection.


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How to Cite

Rizvi, K. F. ., Raza, H. ., Arslaan, M. ., Fatima, . A. . ., Hira, A. ., & Hamid, S. . (2017). Knowledge of Hepatitis B Infection among Dental Students and Dental Professionals. Journal of Bahria University Medical and Dental College, 7(3), 143–148. Retrieved from



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