Adult Granulosa cell tumor: A small mass producing troublesome morbidity to a woman
Adult Granulosa cell tumors, ovarian carcinoma, FOXL2 C134W mutationAbstract
Granulosa cell tumors are sex-cord stromal tumor ofovary, a rare neoplasmaccounting for approximately 3-5% of all ovarian malignancies. Hormone producing tumor, a total of 95% of all GCTs are adult type and of large size. A majority of women present with abdominal mass and diagnosis made on histopathology. While small size symptoms producing Granulosa cell tumors are rare and it’s a rare virilizing tumor of adolescents. Adult Granulosa cell tumor is a clinically and molecularly unique subtype of ovarian cancer. The present case study reports on a case of a small size Granulosa cell tumor producing postmenopausal bleeding in 56-year-old woman.
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